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Use query to mark objects
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SDSS DR14 Finding Chart Tool

Finding Chart (ra, dec, scale, height, width, opt, query)

    returns a JPEG image centered on (ra,dec), of size (height x width) where the image is scaled to an arbitrary scale (scale). In SDSS the default scale is 0.396127 arcsec/pix. Various drawing options can be specified (opt). Use mark query to select objects of special interest.

    If you're new to the Finding Chart, please see the Visual Tools main page and Getting Started with Finding Chart.

    ra center point right ascension in J2000 decimal degrees, hh mm ss.s, or hh:mm:ss.s
    dec center point declination in J2000 decimal degrees, dd mm ss.s, or dd:mm:ss.s
    scale arcsec/pixel (the natural scale of SDSS is 0.396127)
    height image height in pixels, limited to [64..2048]
    width image width in pixels, limited to [64..2048]
    opt options string, a set of upper-case characters, like 'GPST'.

Use query to mark objects:
    This option will draw a triangle on top of objects selected by a marking string.
    Objects must be inside the field of view of the image to be displayed.
    The format of the string can be from the following choices:

    1. List of objects. A header with RA and DEC columns must be included.
      Columns must be separated by tabs, spaces, commas or semicolons.
      The list may contain as many columns as wished.

      ObjId RA DEC RMag
      1237666338116206715 18.877321 -0.859906 21.57310
      1237666338116206712 18.876854 -0.860976 12.82945

    2. SQL SELECT query. RA and DEC columns must be included.

      SELECT TOP 10 p.objID, p.ra, p.dec, p.r
      FROM fGetObjFromRectEq(<ra1>,<dec1>,<ra2>,<dec2>) n, PhotoPrimary p
      WHERE n.objID=p.objID

    3. String following the pattern: ObjType Band (low_mag, high_mag)

      ObjType: S | G | P
      marks Stars, Galaxies or PhotoPrimary objects.
      Band: U | G | R | I | Z | A
      restricts marks to objects with Band BETWEEN low_mag AND high_mag
      Band 'A' will mark all objects within the specified magnitude range in any band (ORs composition).
      Examples: S
      S R (0.0, 23.5)
      G A (20, 30)

Drawing options:
    The characters present will select the corresponding option
    from the list below. Characters not in the list are ignored.

    G Grid Draw a N-S E-W grid through the center
    L Label Draw the name, scale, ra, and dec on image
    P PhotoObj Draw a small cicle around each primary photoObj
    S SpecObj Draw a small square around each specObj
    O Outline Draw the outline of each photoObj
    B Bounding Box Draw the bounding box of each photoObj
    F Fields Draw the outline of each field
    M Masks Draw the outline of each mask considered to be important
    Q Plates Draw the outline of each plate
    I Invert Invert the image (B on W)

Direct access for web pages:
    This application is based on an underlying web service, ImgCutout.asmx which can be called in many different ways, using the SOAP protocol, or just using the standard HTTP GET and PUT interfaces. The formal description is contained in the WSDL, Web Service Description Language document.

    The getjpeg service can be directly called from any web page through the HTTP GET protocol. In order to build a dynamic cutout into your own web page, insert the following example. Naturally, replace the parameter values with your own.

    <IMG SRC="
      /getjpeg?ra=179.689293428354&dec=-0.454379056007667&scale=0.79224   &width=400&height=400&opt=GST&query=SR(10,20)">

Authors: Jim Gray, Alex Szalay, Maria Nieto-Santisteban, Tamas Budavari, February 2004.