Returns table of all spectrum objects within @r arcmins of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz). |
There is no limit on the number of objects returned. returned table: Sample call to find SpecObj within 0.5 arcminutes of xyz -.0996,-.1,0 select * from dbo.fGetNearbySpecObjAllXYZ(-.996,-.1,0,0.5) see also fGetNearbySpecObjEq, fGetNearestSpecObjXYZ, fGetNearestSpecObjXYZ |
name | type | length | inout | pnum |
@nx | float | 8 | input | 1 |
@ny | float | 8 | input | 2 |
@nz | float | 8 | input | 3 |
@r | float | 8 | input | 4 |
plate | int | 4 | output | 2 |
mjd | int | 4 | output | 3 |
fiberID | int | 4 | output | 4 |
zStatus | int | 4 | output | 8 |
specClass | int | 4 | output | 9 |
zWarning | int | 4 | output | 10 |
sciencePrimary | int | 4 | output | 11 |
z | real | 4 | output | 5 |
zErr | real | 4 | output | 6 |
zConf | real | 4 | output | 7 |
cx | float | 8 | output | 12 |
cy | float | 8 | output | 13 |
cz | float | 8 | output | 14 |
distance | float | 8 | output | 16 |
specObjID | bigint | 8 | output | 1 |
htmID | bigint | 8 | output | 15 |