name | description |
fCamcol | Extracts Camcol from an SDSS Photo Object ID |
fCoordsFromEq | Returns table of stripe, lambda, eta, mu, nu derived from ra,dec |
fCoordType | Return the CoordType value, indexed by name |
fCoordTypeN | Return the CoordType name, indexed by value |
fCosmoAbsMag | Returns the absolute magnitude of a galaxy at a particular redshift. |
fCosmoAbsMagFromLumDist | Returns the absolute magnitude of a galaxy at a particular luminosity distance. |
fCosmoAgeOfUniverse | Returns the time interval between a particular redshift and the beginning of the universe. |
fCosmoComovingVolume | Returns the comoving volume between here and a given redshift. |
fCosmoComovVolumeFromDl | Returns the comoving volume inside the radius defined by a particular luminosity distance. |
fCosmoDa | Returns the angular diameter distance at a given redshift. |
fCosmoDc | Returns the line of sight comoving distance at a given redshift. |
fCosmoDistances | Returns a table of redshifts and the corresponding values of the cosmological distances and comoving volume. |
fCosmoDl | Returns the luminosity distance at a given redshift. |
fCosmoDm | Returns the transverse comoving distance at a given redshift. |
fCosmoHubbleDistance | Returns the Hubble Distance. |
fCosmoLookBackTime | Returns the time interval between now and a particular redshift. |
fCosmoQuantities | Returns a table of redshifts and the corresponding values of the cosmological distances,comoving volume and time intervals. |
fCosmoTimeInterval | Returns the time interval between redshifts zMin and zMax. |
fCosmoZfromDa | Returns a row with the first and second solution for the redshift given an angular diameter distance. |
fCosmoZfromDc | Returns the redshift at a given line of sight comoving distance. |
fCosmoZfromDl | Returns the redshift at a given luminosity distance. |
fCosmoZfromDm | Returns the redshift for a given transverse comoving distance. |
fDatediffSec | fDatediffSec(start,now) returns the difference in seconds as a float |
fDistanceArcMinEq | returns distance (arc minutes) between two points (ra1,dec1) and (ra2,dec2) |
fDistanceArcMinXYZ | returns distance (arc minutes) between two points (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2) |
fDistanceEq | returns distance (arcmins) between two points (ra1,dec1) and (ra2,dec2) |
fDistanceXyz | returns distance (arcmins) between two points (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y1,z2) |
fDMS | Convert declination in degrees to notation |
fDMSbase | Base function to convert declination in degrees to notation. |
fDocColumns | Return the list of Columns in a given table or view |
fDocColumnsWithRank | Return the list of Columns plus 'rank' |
fDocFunctionParams | Return the parameters of a function |
fEnum | Converts @value in an enum table to a string |
fEqFromMuNu | Compute Equatorial coordinates from @mu and @nu |
fEtaFromEq | Returns eta from ra,dec |
fEtaToNormal | Compute the normal vector from an eta value |
fFiber | Extracts Fiber from an SDSS Spec ID |
fField | Extracts Field from an SDSS Photo Object ID. |
fFieldMask | Returns mask value for a given name (e.g. 'seeing') |
fFieldMaskN | Returns description of mask value (e.g. 'SEEING PSF') |
fFieldQuality | Returns bitmask of named field quality (e.g. ACCEPTABLE, BAD, GOOD, HOLE, MISSING) |
fFieldQualityN | Returns description of quality value (e.g. ACCEPTABLE, BAD, GOOD, HOLE, MISSING) |
fFirstFieldBit | Returns the bit that indicates whether an objID is in the first field of a segment |
fFootprintEq | Determine whether point is inside the survey |
fFramesStatus | Returns the FramesStatus value, indexed by name |
fFramesStatusN | Returns the FramesStatus name, indexed by value |
fGetAlpha | Compute alpha 'expansion' of theta for a given declination |
fGetLat | Converts a 3-vector to latitude (Galactic or Survey) |
fGetLon | Converts a 3-vector to longitude (Galactic or Survey) |
fGetLonLat | Converts a 3-vector to longitude-latitude (Galactic or Survey) |
fGetNearbyFrameEq | Returns table with a record describing the frames neareby (@ra,@dec) at a given @zoom level. |
fGetNearbyObjAllEq | Given an equatorial point (@ra,@dec), this function returns a table of all objects within @r arcmins of the point. There is no limit on @r. |
fGetNearbyObjAllXYZ | Returns table of photo objects within @r arcmins of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz). |
fGetNearbyObjEq | Given an equatorial point (@ra,@dec), returns table of primary objects within @r arcmins of the point. There is no limit on @r. |
fGetNearbyObjXYZ | Returns table of primary objects within @r arcmins of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz). |
fGetNearbySpecObjAllEq | Returns table of spectrum objects within @r arcmins of an equatorial point (@ra, @dec). |
fGetNearbySpecObjAllXYZ | Returns table of all spectrum objects within @r arcmins of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz). |
fGetNearbySpecObjEq | Returns table of spectrum objects within @r arcmins of an equatorial point (@ra, @dec). |
fGetNearbySpecObjXYZ | Returns table of scienceprimary spectrum objects within @r arcmins of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz). |
fGetNearestFrameEq | Returns table with a record describing the nearest frame to (@ra,@dec) at a given @zoom level. |
fGetNearestFrameidEq | Returns teh fieldid of the nearest frame to (@ra,@dec) at a given @zoom level. |
fGetNearestObjAllEq | Returns table holding a record describing the closest object within @r arcminutes of (@ra,@dec). |
fGetNearestObjEq | Returns table holding a record describing the closest primary object within @r arcminutes of (@ra,@dec). |
fGetNearestObjIdAllEq | Returns the objId of nearest photo object within @r arcmins of ra, dec |
fGetNearestObjIdEq | Returns the objId of nearest photoPrimary within @r arcmins of ra, dec |
fGetNearestObjIdEqMode | Returns the objId of nearest @mode PhotoObjAll within @r arcmins of ra, dec |
fGetNearestObjIdEqType | Returns the objID of the nearest photPrimary of type @t within @r arcmin |
fGetNearestObjXYZ | Returns nearest primary object within @r arcminutes of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz). |
fGetNearestSpecObjAllEq | Returns nearest specobj within @r arcminutes of an equatorial point (@ra, @dec). |
fGetNearestSpecObjAllXYZ | Returns nearest specobj within @r arcminutes of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz). |
fGetNearestSpecObjEq | Returns nearest scienceprimary specobj within @r arcminutes of an equatorial point (@ra,@dec). |
fGetNearestSpecObjID | |
fGetNearestSpecObjIdAllEq | Returns the specObjID of nearest photo object within @r arcmins of ra, dec |
fGetNearestSpecObjIdEq | Returns the specObjId of nearest sciencePrimary spectrum within @r arcmins of ra, dec |
fGetNearestSpecObjIdEqType | Returns the specObjID of the nearest photPrimary of type @t within @r arcmin |
fGetNearestSpecObjXYZ | Returns nearest scienceprimary specobj within @r arcminutes of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz). |
fGetObjectsEq | A helper function for SDSS cutout that returns all objects within a certain radius of an (ra,dec) |
fGetObjectsMaskEq | A helper function for SDSS cutout that returns all objects within a certain radius of an (ra,dec) |
fGetObjFromRect | Returns table of objects inside a rectangle defined by two ra,dec pairs. Note the order of the parameters: @ra1, @ra2, @dec1, @dec2 |
fGetObjFromRectEq | Returns table of objects inside a rectangle defined by two ra,dec pairs. Note the order of the parameters: @ra1, @dec1, @ra2, @dec2 |
fGetPhotoApMag | Returns the aperture magnitude and error for the given band (filter) and aperture. |
fGetUrlAtlasImageId | Get the Atlas Image Server URL to the FITS file for a given atlas image |
fGetUrlExpEq | Returns the URL for an ra,dec, measured in degrees. |
fGetUrlExpId | Returns the URL for an Photo objID. |
fGetUrlFitsAtlas | Get the URL to the FITS file of all atlas images in a field |
fGetUrlFitsBin | Get the URL to the FITS file of a binned frame given FieldID and band. |
fGetUrlFitsCFrame | Get the URL to the FITS file of a corrected frame given the fieldID and band |
fGetUrlFitsField | Given a FieldID returns the URL to the FITS file of that field |
fGetUrlFitsMask | Get the URL to the FITS file of a frame mask given the fieldID and band |
fGetUrlFitsSpectrum | Get the URL to the FITS file of the spectrum given the SpecObjID |
fGetUrlFrameImg | Returns the URL for a JPG image of the frame |
fGetUrlNavEq | Returns the URL for an ra,dec, measured in degrees. |
fGetUrlNavId | Returns the Navigator URL for an Photo objID. |
fGetUrlSpecImg | Returns the URL for a GIF image of the spectrum given the SpecObjID |
fHMS | Convert right ascension in degrees to notation |
fHMSbase | Base function to convert right ascension in degrees to notation. |
fHoleType | Return the HoleType value, indexed by name |
fHoleTypeN | Return the HoleType name, indexed by value |
fHtmCoverCircleEq | Returns the HTM Cover of a circle with a given ra,dec and radius |
fHtmCoverCircleXyz | Returns HTM cover for a circle given with cartesian vector (x,y,z), radius |
fHtmCoverRegion | Returns HTMID range table covering the designated region |
fHtmCoverRegionError | Returns an error message describing what is wrong with @region. |
fHtmEq | Returns htmid of a given point from an RA and DEC in J2000 |
fHtmEqToXyz | Convert Ra, Dec to Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) |
fHtmGetCenterPoint | Converts an HTMID to a (x,y,z) vector of the HTM centerpoint |
fHtmGetCornerPoints | Converts an HTMID to the trixel's vertices as cartesian vectors |
fHtmGetString | Converts an HTMID to its string representation |
fHtmVersion | Returns version of installed HTM library as a string |
fHtmXyz | Returns htmid given x,y,z in cartesian coordinates in J2000 |
fHtmXyzToEq | Convert Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) to Ra, Dec |
fIAUFromEq | Convert ra, dec in degrees to extended IAU name |
fImageMask | Return the ImageMask flag value, indexed by name |
fImageMaskN | Return the expanded ImageMask corresponding to the flag value as a string |
fInsideMask | Returns the InsideMask value corresponding to a name |
fInsideMaskN | Returns the expanded InsideMask corresponding to the bits, as a string |
fIsNumbers | Check that the substring is a valid number. |
fLambdaFromEq | Returns lambda from ra,dec |
fMagToFlux | Convert Luptitudes to AB flux in nJy |
fMagToFluxErr | Convert the error in luptitudes to AB flux in nJy |
fMaskType | Returns the MaskType value, indexed by name |
fMaskTypeN | Returns the MaskType name, indexed by value (0=Bleeding Mask, 1=Bright Star Mask, etc.) |
fMJD | Extracts MJD from an SDSS Spec ID |
fMJDToGMT | Computes the String of a Modified Julian Date. |
fMuFromEq | Returns mu from ra,dec |
fMuNuFromEq | Compute stripe coordinates from Equatorial |
fNormalizeString | Returns string upshifted, squeezed blanks, trailing zeros removed, and blank added on end |
fNuFromEq | Returns nu from ra,dec |
fObj | Extracts Obj from an SDSS Photo Object ID. |
fObjID | Match an objID to a PhotoObj and set/unset the first field bit. |
fObjidFromSDSS | Computes the long objID from the 5-part SDSS numbers. |
fObjidFromSDSSWithFF | Computes the long objID from the 5-part SDSS numbers plus the firstfield flag. |
fObjType | Return the ObjType value, indexed by name |
fObjTypeN | Return the ObjType name, indexed by value |
fPhotoApMag | Returns the aperture magnitude for the given filter (band) and aperture. |
fPhotoApMagErr | Returns the aperture magnitude error for the given filter (band) and aperture. |
fPhotoDescription | Returns a string indicating Object type and object flags |
fPhotoFlags | Returns the PhotoFlags value corresponding to a name |
fPhotoFlagsN | Returns the expanded PhotoFlags corresponding to the status value as a string |
fPhotoMode | Returns the Mode value, indexed by name (Primary, Secondary, Family, Outside) |
fPhotoModeN | Returns the Mode name, indexed by value () |
fPhotoStatus | Returns the PhotoStatus flag value corresponding to a name |
fPhotoStatusN | Returns the string describing to the status flags in words |
fPhotoType | Returns the PhotoType value, indexed by name (Galaxy, Star,...) |
fPhotoTypeN | Returns the PhotoType name, indexed by value (3-> Galaxy, 6-> Star,...) |
fPlate | Extracts plate from an SDSS Spec ID |
fPrimaryObjID | Match an objID to a PhotoPrimary and set/unset the first field bit. |
fPrimTarget | Returns the PrimTarget value corresponding to a name |
fPrimTargetN | Returns the expanded PrimTarget corresponding to the flag value as a string |
fProgramType | Return the ProgramType value, indexed by name |
fProgramTypeN | Return the ProgramType name, indexed by value |
fPspStatus | Returns the PspStatus value, indexed by name |
fPspStatusN | Returns the PspStatus name, indexed by value |
fRegionContainsPointEq | Returns 1 if specified region contains specified ra,dec point, else returns zero. |
fRegionContainsPointXYZ | Returns 1 if specified region contains specifed x,y,z point, else returns zero. |
fRegionFuzz | Returns a displacement that expands a circle by the 'buffer' |
fRegionGetObjectsFromRegionId | Returns various objects within a region given by a regionid |
fRegionGetObjectsFromString | Returns various objects within a region given by a string |
fRegionOverlapId | Returns the overlap of a given region overlapping another one |
fRegionsContainingPointEq | Returns regions containing a given point |
fRegionsContainingPointXYZ | Returns regions containing a given point |
fReplace | Case-insensitve string replacement |
fRerun | Extracts Rerun from an SDSS Photo Object ID |
fRotateV3 | Rotates a 3-vector by a given rotation matrix |
fRun | Extracts Run from an SDSS Photo Object ID |
fSDSS | Computes the 6-part SDSS numbers from the long objID |
fSDSSfromObjID | Returns a table pf the 6-part SDSS numbers from the long objID. |
fSecTarget | Returns the SecTarget value corresponding to a name |
fSecTargetN | Returns the expanded SecTarget corresponding to the flag value as a string |
fSkyVersion | Extracts SkyVersion from an SDSS Photo Object ID |
fSpecClass | Returns the SpecClass value, indexed by name |
fSpecClassN | Returns the SpecClass name, indexed by value |
fSpecDescription | Returns a string indicating class, status and zWarning for a specObj |
fSpecidFromSDSS | Computes the long Spec IDs |
fSpecLineNames | Return the SpecLineNames value, indexed by name |
fSpecLineNamesN | Return the SpecLineNames name, indexed by value |
fSpecZStatus | Return the SpecZStatus value, indexed by name |
fSpecZStatusN | Return the SpecZStatus name, indexed by value |
fSpecZWarning | Return the SpecZWarning value, indexed by name |
fSpecZWarningN | Return the expanded SpecZWarning corresponding to the flag value as a string |
fSphConvexAddHalfspace | Adds the specified halfspaces to a given convex and returns the new region blob. |
fSphDiff | Derives the difference of the given regions. |
fSphDiffAdvanced | Derives the difference of the given regions. |
fSphGetArcs | Returns the arcs of the specified region. |
fSphGetArea | Returns the area of region stored in the specified blob. |
fSphGetConvexes | Returns the convexes of the specified region in separate region blobs. |
fSphGetHalfspaces | Returns the halfspaces of the specified region blob. |
fSphGetHtmRanges | Calculates HTM covers for the specified region. |
fSphGetHtmRangesAdvanced | Calculates HTM covers for the specified region. |
fSphGetOutlineArcs | Returns the outline arcs of the specified region. |
fSphGetPatches | Returns the patches of the specified region. |
fSphGetRegionString | Returns the regionstring of the specified region. |
fSphGetRegionStringBin | Returns the regionstring in a blob. Used internally. |
fSphGetVersion | Returns the version string as in the assembly. |
fSphGrow | Grows a region by the given amount and returns its blob. |
fSphGrowAdvanced | Grows a region by the given amount and returns its blob. |
fSphIntersect | Derives the intersection of the given regions. |
fSphIntersectAdvanced | Derives the intersection of the given regions. |
fSphIntersectQuery | Derives the intersection of regions returned by the specified query. |
fSphRegionContainsXYZ | Returns whether the specified region contains the given location. |
fSphSimplify | Simplifies the region defined by the specified ID. |
fSphSimplifyAdvanced | Simplifies the region defined by the specified ID. |
fSphSimplifyBinary | Simplifies the region in the specified blob created w/ fSphConvexAddHalfspace(). |
fSphSimplifyBinaryAdvanced | Simplifies the region in the specified blob created with fSphConvexAddHalfspace |
fSphSimplifyQuery | Simplifies the region defined by the specified query that yields halfspaces. |
fSphSimplifyQueryAdvanced | Simplifies the region defined by the specified query that yields halfspaces. |
fSphSimplifyString | Simplifies the region in the specified string and returns its blob. |
fSphSimplifyStringAdvanced | Simplifies the region in the specified string and returns its blob. |
fSphUnion | Derives the union of the given regions. |
fSphUnionAdvanced | Derives the union of the given regions. |
fSphUnionQuery | Derives the union of regions returned by the specified query. |
fStripeOfRun | returns Stripe containing a particular run |
fStripeToNormal | Compute the normal vector from an eta value |
fStripOfRun | returns Strip containing a particular run |
fTiMask | Returns the TiMask value corresponding to a name |
fTiMaskN | Returns the expanded TiMask corresponding to the flag value as a string |
fTokenAdvance | Get offset of next token after offset @i in string @s |
fTokenNext | Get token starting at offset @i in string @s |
fTokenStringToTable | Returns a table containing the tokens in the input string |
fUberCalibStatus | Returns the UberCalibStatus flag value corresponding to a name |
fUberCalibStatusN | Returns the string describing to the ubercal status flags in words |
fUberCalMag | Returns the UberCal corrected magnitude for the given magnitude @mag. This is intended for magnitudes that do not already have corrected versions in the UberCal table. |
FunnyFunction | |
fVarBinToHex | Returns hexadecimal string of varbinary input |
fWedgeV3 | Compute the wedge product of two vectors |