
fCamcol Extracts Camcol from an SDSS Photo Object ID
fCoordsFromEq Returns table of stripe, lambda, eta, mu, nu derived from ra,dec
fCoordType Return the CoordType value, indexed by name
fCoordTypeN Return the CoordType name, indexed by value
fCosmoAbsMag Returns the absolute magnitude of a galaxy at a particular redshift.
fCosmoAbsMagFromLumDist Returns the absolute magnitude of a galaxy at a particular luminosity distance.
fCosmoAgeOfUniverse Returns the time interval between a particular redshift and the beginning of the universe.
fCosmoComovingVolume Returns the comoving volume between here and a given redshift.
fCosmoComovVolumeFromDl Returns the comoving volume inside the radius defined by a particular luminosity distance.
fCosmoDa Returns the angular diameter distance at a given redshift.
fCosmoDc Returns the line of sight comoving distance at a given redshift.
fCosmoDistances Returns a table of redshifts and the corresponding values of the cosmological distances and comoving volume.
fCosmoDl Returns the luminosity distance at a given redshift.
fCosmoDm Returns the transverse comoving distance at a given redshift.
fCosmoHubbleDistance Returns the Hubble Distance.
fCosmoLookBackTime Returns the time interval between now and a particular redshift.
fCosmoQuantities Returns a table of redshifts and the corresponding values of the cosmological distances,comoving volume and time intervals.
fCosmoTimeInterval Returns the time interval between redshifts zMin and zMax.
fCosmoZfromDa Returns a row with the first and second solution for the redshift given an angular diameter distance.
fCosmoZfromDc Returns the redshift at a given line of sight comoving distance.
fCosmoZfromDl Returns the redshift at a given luminosity distance.
fCosmoZfromDm Returns the redshift for a given transverse comoving distance.
fDatediffSec fDatediffSec(start,now) returns the difference in seconds as a float
fDistanceArcMinEq returns distance (arc minutes) between two points (ra1,dec1) and (ra2,dec2)
fDistanceArcMinXYZ returns distance (arc minutes) between two points (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2)
fDistanceEq returns distance (arcmins) between two points (ra1,dec1) and (ra2,dec2)
fDistanceXyz returns distance (arcmins) between two points (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y1,z2)
fDMS Convert declination in degrees to notation
fDMSbase Base function to convert declination in degrees to notation.
fDocColumns Return the list of Columns in a given table or view
fDocColumnsWithRank Return the list of Columns plus 'rank'
fDocFunctionParams Return the parameters of a function
fEnum Converts @value in an enum table to a string
fEqFromMuNu Compute Equatorial coordinates from @mu and @nu
fEtaFromEq Returns eta from ra,dec
fEtaToNormal Compute the normal vector from an eta value
fFiber Extracts Fiber from an SDSS Spec ID
fField Extracts Field from an SDSS Photo Object ID.
fFieldMask Returns mask value for a given name (e.g. 'seeing')
fFieldMaskN Returns description of mask value (e.g. 'SEEING PSF')
fFieldQuality Returns bitmask of named field quality (e.g. ACCEPTABLE, BAD, GOOD, HOLE, MISSING)
fFieldQualityN Returns description of quality value (e.g. ACCEPTABLE, BAD, GOOD, HOLE, MISSING)
fFirstFieldBit Returns the bit that indicates whether an objID is in the first field of a segment
fFootprintEq Determine whether point is inside the survey
fFramesStatus Returns the FramesStatus value, indexed by name
fFramesStatusN Returns the FramesStatus name, indexed by value
fGetAlpha Compute alpha 'expansion' of theta for a given declination
fGetLat Converts a 3-vector to latitude (Galactic or Survey)
fGetLon Converts a 3-vector to longitude (Galactic or Survey)
fGetLonLat Converts a 3-vector to longitude-latitude (Galactic or Survey)
fGetNearbyFrameEq Returns table with a record describing the frames neareby (@ra,@dec) at a given @zoom level.
fGetNearbyObjAllEq Given an equatorial point (@ra,@dec), this function returns a table of all objects within @r arcmins of the point. There is no limit on @r.
fGetNearbyObjAllXYZ Returns table of photo objects within @r arcmins of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz).
fGetNearbyObjEq Given an equatorial point (@ra,@dec), returns table of primary objects within @r arcmins of the point. There is no limit on @r.
fGetNearbyObjXYZ Returns table of primary objects within @r arcmins of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz).
fGetNearbySpecObjAllEq Returns table of spectrum objects within @r arcmins of an equatorial point (@ra, @dec).
fGetNearbySpecObjAllXYZ Returns table of all spectrum objects within @r arcmins of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz).
fGetNearbySpecObjEq Returns table of spectrum objects within @r arcmins of an equatorial point (@ra, @dec).
fGetNearbySpecObjXYZ Returns table of scienceprimary spectrum objects within @r arcmins of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz).
fGetNearestFrameEq Returns table with a record describing the nearest frame to (@ra,@dec) at a given @zoom level.
fGetNearestFrameidEq Returns teh fieldid of the nearest frame to (@ra,@dec) at a given @zoom level.
fGetNearestObjAllEq Returns table holding a record describing the closest object within @r arcminutes of (@ra,@dec).
fGetNearestObjEq Returns table holding a record describing the closest primary object within @r arcminutes of (@ra,@dec).
fGetNearestObjIdAllEq Returns the objId of nearest photo object within @r arcmins of ra, dec
fGetNearestObjIdEq Returns the objId of nearest photoPrimary within @r arcmins of ra, dec
fGetNearestObjIdEqMode Returns the objId of nearest @mode PhotoObjAll within @r arcmins of ra, dec
fGetNearestObjIdEqType Returns the objID of the nearest photPrimary of type @t within @r arcmin
fGetNearestObjXYZ Returns nearest primary object within @r arcminutes of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz).
fGetNearestSpecObjAllEq Returns nearest specobj within @r arcminutes of an equatorial point (@ra, @dec).
fGetNearestSpecObjAllXYZ Returns nearest specobj within @r arcminutes of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz).
fGetNearestSpecObjEq Returns nearest scienceprimary specobj within @r arcminutes of an equatorial point (@ra,@dec).
fGetNearestSpecObjIdAllEq Returns the specObjID of nearest photo object within @r arcmins of ra, dec
fGetNearestSpecObjIdEq Returns the specObjId of nearest sciencePrimary spectrum within @r arcmins of ra, dec
fGetNearestSpecObjIdEqType Returns the specObjID of the nearest photPrimary of type @t within @r arcmin
fGetNearestSpecObjXYZ Returns nearest scienceprimary specobj within @r arcminutes of an xyz point (@nx,@ny, @nz).
fGetObjectsEq A helper function for SDSS cutout that returns all objects within a certain radius of an (ra,dec)
fGetObjectsMaskEq A helper function for SDSS cutout that returns all objects within a certain radius of an (ra,dec)
fGetObjFromRect Returns table of objects inside a rectangle defined by two ra,dec pairs.
Note the order of the parameters: @ra1, @ra2, @dec1, @dec2
fGetObjFromRectEq Returns table of objects inside a rectangle defined by two ra,dec pairs.
Note the order of the parameters: @ra1, @dec1, @ra2, @dec2
fGetPhotoApMag Returns the aperture magnitude and error for the given band (filter) and aperture.
fGetUrlAtlasImageId Get the Atlas Image Server URL to the FITS file for a given atlas image
fGetUrlExpEq Returns the URL for an ra,dec, measured in degrees.
fGetUrlExpId Returns the URL for an Photo objID.
fGetUrlFitsAtlas Get the URL to the FITS file of all atlas images in a field
fGetUrlFitsBin Get the URL to the FITS file of a binned frame given FieldID and band.
fGetUrlFitsCFrame Get the URL to the FITS file of a corrected frame given the fieldID and band
fGetUrlFitsField Given a FieldID returns the URL to the FITS file of that field
fGetUrlFitsMask Get the URL to the FITS file of a frame mask given the fieldID and band
fGetUrlFitsSpectrum Get the URL to the FITS file of the spectrum given the SpecObjID
fGetUrlFrameImg Returns the URL for a JPG image of the frame
fGetUrlNavEq Returns the URL for an ra,dec, measured in degrees.
fGetUrlNavId Returns the Navigator URL for an Photo objID.
fGetUrlSpecImg Returns the URL for a GIF image of the spectrum given the SpecObjID
fHMS Convert right ascension in degrees to notation
fHMSbase Base function to convert right ascension in degrees to notation.
fHoleType Return the HoleType value, indexed by name
fHoleTypeN Return the HoleType name, indexed by value
fHtmCoverCircleEq Returns the HTM Cover of a circle with a given ra,dec and radius
fHtmCoverCircleXyz Returns HTM cover for a circle given with cartesian vector (x,y,z), radius
fHtmCoverRegion Returns HTMID range table covering the designated region
fHtmCoverRegionError Returns an error message describing what is wrong with @region.
fHtmEq Returns htmid of a given point from an RA and DEC in J2000
fHtmEqToXyz Convert Ra, Dec to Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z)
fHtmGetCenterPoint Converts an HTMID to a (x,y,z) vector of the HTM centerpoint
fHtmGetCornerPoints Converts an HTMID to the trixel's vertices as cartesian vectors
fHtmGetString Converts an HTMID to its string representation
fHtmVersion Returns version of installed HTM library as a string
fHtmXyz Returns htmid given x,y,z in cartesian coordinates in J2000
fHtmXyzToEq Convert Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) to Ra, Dec
fIAUFromEq Convert ra, dec in degrees to extended IAU name
fImageMask Return the ImageMask flag value, indexed by name
fImageMaskN Return the expanded ImageMask corresponding to the flag value as a string
fInsideMask Returns the InsideMask value corresponding to a name
fInsideMaskN Returns the expanded InsideMask corresponding to the bits, as a string
fIsNumbers Check that the substring is a valid number.
fLambdaFromEq Returns lambda from ra,dec
fMagToFlux Convert Luptitudes to AB flux in nJy
fMagToFluxErr Convert the error in luptitudes to AB flux in nJy
fMaskType Returns the MaskType value, indexed by name
fMaskTypeN Returns the MaskType name, indexed by value (0=Bleeding Mask, 1=Bright Star Mask, etc.)
fMJD Extracts MJD from an SDSS Spec ID
fMJDToGMT Computes the String of a Modified Julian Date.
fMuFromEq Returns mu from ra,dec
fMuNuFromEq Compute stripe coordinates from Equatorial
fNormalizeString Returns string upshifted, squeezed blanks, trailing zeros removed, and blank added on end
fNuFromEq Returns nu from ra,dec
fObj Extracts Obj from an SDSS Photo Object ID.
fObjID Match an objID to a PhotoObj and set/unset the first field bit.
fObjidFromSDSS Computes the long objID from the 5-part SDSS numbers.
fObjidFromSDSSWithFF Computes the long objID from the 5-part SDSS numbers plus the firstfield flag.
fObjType Return the ObjType value, indexed by name
fObjTypeN Return the ObjType name, indexed by value
fPhotoApMag Returns the aperture magnitude for the given filter (band) and aperture.
fPhotoApMagErr Returns the aperture magnitude error for the given filter (band) and aperture.
fPhotoDescription Returns a string indicating Object type and object flags
fPhotoFlags Returns the PhotoFlags value corresponding to a name
fPhotoFlagsN Returns the expanded PhotoFlags corresponding to the status value as a string
fPhotoMode Returns the Mode value, indexed by name (Primary, Secondary, Family, Outside)
fPhotoModeN Returns the Mode name, indexed by value ()
fPhotoStatus Returns the PhotoStatus flag value corresponding to a name
fPhotoStatusN Returns the string describing to the status flags in words
fPhotoType Returns the PhotoType value, indexed by name (Galaxy, Star,...)
fPhotoTypeN Returns the PhotoType name, indexed by value (3-> Galaxy, 6-> Star,...)
fPlate Extracts plate from an SDSS Spec ID
fPrimaryObjID Match an objID to a PhotoPrimary and set/unset the first field bit.
fPrimTarget Returns the PrimTarget value corresponding to a name
fPrimTargetN Returns the expanded PrimTarget corresponding to the flag value as a string
fProgramType Return the ProgramType value, indexed by name
fProgramTypeN Return the ProgramType name, indexed by value
fPspStatus Returns the PspStatus value, indexed by name
fPspStatusN Returns the PspStatus name, indexed by value
fRegionContainsPointEq Returns 1 if specified region contains specified ra,dec point, else returns zero.
fRegionContainsPointXYZ Returns 1 if specified region contains specifed x,y,z point, else returns zero.
fRegionFuzz Returns a displacement that expands a circle by the 'buffer'
fRegionGetObjectsFromRegionId Returns various objects within a region given by a regionid
fRegionGetObjectsFromString Returns various objects within a region given by a string
fRegionOverlapId Returns the overlap of a given region overlapping another one
fRegionsContainingPointEq Returns regions containing a given point
fRegionsContainingPointXYZ Returns regions containing a given point
fReplace Case-insensitve string replacement
fRerun Extracts Rerun from an SDSS Photo Object ID
fRotateV3 Rotates a 3-vector by a given rotation matrix
fRun Extracts Run from an SDSS Photo Object ID
fSDSS Computes the 6-part SDSS numbers from the long objID
fSDSSfromObjID Returns a table pf the 6-part SDSS numbers from the long objID.
fSecTarget Returns the SecTarget value corresponding to a name
fSecTargetN Returns the expanded SecTarget corresponding to the flag value as a string
fSkyVersion Extracts SkyVersion from an SDSS Photo Object ID
fSpecClass Returns the SpecClass value, indexed by name
fSpecClassN Returns the SpecClass name, indexed by value
fSpecDescription Returns a string indicating class, status and zWarning for a specObj
fSpecidFromSDSS Computes the long Spec IDs
fSpecLineNames Return the SpecLineNames value, indexed by name
fSpecLineNamesN Return the SpecLineNames name, indexed by value
fSpecZStatus Return the SpecZStatus value, indexed by name
fSpecZStatusN Return the SpecZStatus name, indexed by value
fSpecZWarning Return the SpecZWarning value, indexed by name
fSpecZWarningN Return the expanded SpecZWarning corresponding to the flag value as a string
fSphConvexAddHalfspace Adds the specified halfspaces to a given convex and returns the new region blob.
fSphDiff Derives the difference of the given regions.
fSphDiffAdvanced Derives the difference of the given regions.
fSphGetArcs Returns the arcs of the specified region.
fSphGetArea Returns the area of region stored in the specified blob.
fSphGetConvexes Returns the convexes of the specified region in separate region blobs.
fSphGetHalfspaces Returns the halfspaces of the specified region blob.
fSphGetHtmRanges Calculates HTM covers for the specified region.
fSphGetHtmRangesAdvanced Calculates HTM covers for the specified region.
fSphGetOutlineArcs Returns the outline arcs of the specified region.
fSphGetPatches Returns the patches of the specified region.
fSphGetRegionString Returns the regionstring of the specified region.
fSphGetRegionStringBin Returns the regionstring in a blob. Used internally.
fSphGetVersion Returns the version string as in the assembly.
fSphGrow Grows a region by the given amount and returns its blob.
fSphGrowAdvanced Grows a region by the given amount and returns its blob.
fSphIntersect Derives the intersection of the given regions.
fSphIntersectAdvanced Derives the intersection of the given regions.
fSphIntersectQuery Derives the intersection of regions returned by the specified query.
fSphRegionContainsXYZ Returns whether the specified region contains the given location.
fSphSimplify Simplifies the region defined by the specified ID.
fSphSimplifyAdvanced Simplifies the region defined by the specified ID.
fSphSimplifyBinary Simplifies the region in the specified blob created w/ fSphConvexAddHalfspace().
fSphSimplifyBinaryAdvanced Simplifies the region in the specified blob created with fSphConvexAddHalfspace
fSphSimplifyQuery Simplifies the region defined by the specified query that yields halfspaces.
fSphSimplifyQueryAdvanced Simplifies the region defined by the specified query that yields halfspaces.
fSphSimplifyString Simplifies the region in the specified string and returns its blob.
fSphSimplifyStringAdvanced Simplifies the region in the specified string and returns its blob.
fSphUnion Derives the union of the given regions.
fSphUnionAdvanced Derives the union of the given regions.
fSphUnionQuery Derives the union of regions returned by the specified query.
fStripeOfRun returns Stripe containing a particular run
fStripeToNormal Compute the normal vector from an eta value
fStripOfRun returns Strip containing a particular run
fTiMask Returns the TiMask value corresponding to a name
fTiMaskN Returns the expanded TiMask corresponding to the flag value as a string
fTokenAdvance Get offset of next token after offset @i in string @s
fTokenNext Get token starting at offset @i in string @s
fTokenStringToTable Returns a table containing the tokens in the input string
fUberCalibStatus Returns the UberCalibStatus flag value corresponding to a name
fUberCalibStatusN Returns the string describing to the ubercal status flags in words
fUberCalMag Returns the UberCal corrected magnitude for the given magnitude @mag. This is intended for magnitudes that do not already have corrected versions in the UberCal table.
fVarBinToHex Returns hexadecimal string of varbinary input
fWedgeV3 Compute the wedge product of two vectors