Sloan Digital Sky Survey
SkyServer DR14  
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The data in the database is contained in Tables, organized in columns and rows.
We have defined Views over the tables. These represent special subsets of the
original table.

Most of the tables also have one or more Indices defined on them to speed up
searches on them. Please see the Archive Intro Help page for more information
on the types of indices.

Functions and stored Procedures take a number of parameters, and execute a
previously defined sequence of commands. Usually," their names are prefixed by
f or sp, like in fPhotoStatus or spGetFiberList.

The table SDSSConstants contains most of the parameters relevant to the SDSS.
Their values can be displayed by clicking on the link in the left hand panel.

The table DataConstants contains most of the bit-flags and enumerated quantities
relevant to the SDSS. Their values " can be displayed by clicking on the link in the
left hand panel. There are several access functions to make ineterpretations and
the " back and forth conversions easier. They are displayed when you look" at the
individual enumerated fields."

Click on the [+] sign in front of the categories on the left to get an expanded view,
on the [-] to collapse the list, on the name to get a summary, and on the individual
items to get their detailed description.

Enter a keyword into the search box on the top, and press Enter or the Go button
to search through the descriptions and units stored in the database.

The symbol , appearing at various places in the documentation indicates a link
to look up the values of various flags and enumerated constants.